[Dusk to Dawn Sensor] With a built-in sensitive dusk to dawn sensor of the light socket, the lights will automatically turn on at dusk and turn off at dawn; say goodbye to the hassle of manually controlling the lights, brighten up your evenings, and boost your home security.
[Countdown Function] DEWENWILS light sensor socket increases energy efficiency with 3-time settings available, turning on at dusk and turning off after 2/5/8 hours, you can choose different settings according to your daily life needs.
[360° Sensor Rotation] Designed with smart spring loaded contact, this photocell sensor socket can be 360° rotated, allowing you to adjust the sensor position to point in the direction where the light is coming from, staying in the best possible connection with the power source.
[Easy to Install & Use] No wiring or programming is needed, turn off the power and screw the bulb into the lamp socket; standard E26/E27 base, compatible with LED, CFL, incandescent, and halogen bulbs for a wide range of applications.
[Long Life & Warranty] PET heat-resistant material and 60s off delay guarantees a prolonged lifespan; Note: Avoid using it with light fixtures that have fabric lampshades or fixtures with opaque/frosted glass; ETL listed and 1-Year Warranty provided.